Friday, May 1, 2009

Which Amendments made it into the Bundles?

If you're like the rest of us, you might think it would be useful to know which of the 1003 odd House floor amendments -- not counting the half-dozen or so brand new ones that were adopted on the House floor -- actually made it into one of the 23 bundles (or "consolidated" amendments).  Damn if you would know by looking at the House website, however.  Here's what you can see from the House website:

Notice that the first House amendment, Puppolo's "Springfield Business Improvement District" earmark is indicated as having been "Consolidated "V" Economic Development".  The unsuspecting reader might believe this meant that was adopted.  Not so, my friends.

If you want to know which amendments really were adopted (and which were excluded through the "non-action" of having been "disposed" of in one of the consolidated amendments without any of the language from the amendment showing up in the amendment, you'd have to go to a different source, like ours.

How do we do this? The old fashioned way: we know which subject matter each amendment was assigned to, and we can get the consolidated amendment in PDF format when it's posted on the web.  The House is good enough to post these, usually within half an hour of voting on them.  And you can find them youself here, by clicking on this link.

The house does list the withdrawn amendment, as well as supplying links to each of the consolidated amendments, and the "further amended" amendments that were eventually adopted.

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