We've completed our analysis of the House, Senate and Conference budgets, and the numbers don't add up to what was reported in the news with respect to how much the budget actually costs. Below is our spreadsheet that compares the House, Senate and Conference numbers:
The press reported that this is a $27.4 billion budget, but our numbers indicate that it's a $27.8 billion budget, and then only if you don't include the federal grants. However, the problem with that is that the federal grants are appropriated for, and they are part of the regular budget. Our numbers indicate that the conference committee actually approved a $30.3 billion budget (as can be seen below).
Type House Senate Conference
Direct Appropriation $26,564,903,856 $26,827,416,172 $26,907,008,724
Chargeback $400,189,124 $391,745,702 $391,745,702
Retained Revenue $467,318,771 $503,056,162 $499,891,667
Subotal $27,432,411,751 $27,722,218,036 $27,798,646,093
Federal Grants $2,394,648,332 $2,300,842,188 $2,485,936,271
Grand Total $29,827,060,083 $30,023,060,224 $30,284,582,364
Click here to see a spreadsheet that compares all the House, Senate and Conference Report Appropriations.
Am I wrong? Show me where. I'm using the numbers that the House and Senate reported in their respective budgets and in the Conference committee reports.
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