Friday, March 6, 2009

Comparing Gov. Patrick's FY09 and FY10 Proposals

For those who argue that the sky is falling, or that the bottom is falling out of our economy, it's interesting to compare what Governor Patrick proposed in his FY 2009 budget last year to what he's proposed in his FY 2010 budget this year. The initial evidence suggests that Governor Patrick is proposing to spend about the same amount overall, with a very slight uptick. Here are the overall numbers:

Type FY09 FY10 Difference Percent
Direct Appropriations $26,794,198,689 $27,499,508,518 $705,309,829 102.63%
Chargebacks $295,092,747 $519,562,340 $224,469,593 176.07%
Retained Revenue $1,369,666,331 $473,627,971 ($896,038,360) 34.58%
$28,458,957,767 $28,492,698,829 $33,741,062 100.12%

Federal Grants $2,168,024,888 $2,379,530,426 $211,505,538 109.76%
Subotal with Grants $30,626,982,655 $30,872,229,255 $245,246,600 100.80%
Trust Spending Total $12,420,884,159 $12,551,727,618 $130,843,459 101.05%
Grand Total $43,047,866,814 $43,423,956,873 $376,090,059 100.87%

The first subotal ($28,458,957,767) is a little higher than the Governor's FY 2010 subtotal ($27,973,136) listed on his website.


I'm wondering, why the discrepancy? My numbers were all derived from the Governor's house1.xls spreadsheet, which can be downloaded off his website.


Maybe the difference is due to rounding errors, since the Governor is rounding all his summary figure to the nearest thousands -- i.e., the "752,034" figure for the judiciary should really be read as "$752,034,357" (which is the actual figure when you add up all his Judiciary accounts).

Now I'm curious why the posted numbers and the ones I added up from the house1.xls spreadsheet don't match. Stay tuned, campers, as I try to sort this one out.

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